Duddon Valley

29km/1830m For more details please visit the Fellrunner website Start: Newfield Inn, Seathwaite, GR 227960 ER / LK / NS Age : Over 18 http://www.duddonvalleyfellrace.org.uk/
Course: OS Explorer OL6 South Western area 1: 25,000, or Sheet 89 & 96 1:50,000, or Sheet 88 1” map Route: Track through Wallabarrow Farm GR220963 and Grassguards Farm GR 223981, public footpath through gate GR 211993 to Check Points : CP 1 : GR 218997 Harter Fell summit CP 2 : GR 232024 Hard Knott summit CP 3 : GR 250033 Little Stand summit CP 4 : GR 277027 Three Shires Stone CP 5 : GR 272005 Swirl How summit CP 6 : GR 261978 Dow Crag – 50m west of summit CP 7 : GR 248955 White Pike summit CP 8 : GR 230944 Caw Pike summit CP 9 : GR 231953 Wall crossing marked by a coloured post, then flagged to finish Course description : see The Fellrunner Magazine, Feb 2007
Registration usually in a horsebox in the field behind the Newfield Inn, Seathwaite, or failing that, in the Church Hall about 25 yards north up the road. No changing facilities or showers. Tea and cakes at finish. Parking in the field behind the Newfield – it’s not that big so please car share. The race route requires mountain navigation skills. Closing Times: Marshals are told that any competitor arriving after the closing times must be told to retire and make their way the safest route to the finish. If they refuse to do this marshals are asked to make a note to that effect & inform the organiser or finish officials. Prize giving: Pete Bland Sports supply the numbers and vouchers. Prizes will be in the form of equipment / shop vouchers and spread throughout the categories with additional spot prizes. Accommodation : limited B&B in the Duddon Valley but plenty in Broughton. Camping at Turner Hall Farm GR 234964, Tel : 01229 716420 Tourist Information Office Egremont 01946 820693 Workington 01900 60669
