
Wasdale Super Long ‘A’

For more details please visit the Fellrunner website


START: Brackenclose, Wasdale GR 184073
ER / LK / NS / PM
Age : Over 18
Website : www.cfra.co.uk

OS Outdoor Leisure 6 South Western & 4 North Western, or Harveys Lakeland West

Start : On the track by Brackenclose GR 184073

Check Points :
CP 1 : GR 151035 Whin Rigg
CP 2 : GR 139084 Seatallan
CP 3 : GR 171121 Pillar
CP 4 : GR 211103 Great Gable
CP 5 : GR 235083 Esk Hause
CP 6 : GR 215072 Scafell Pike
CP 7 : GR 193075 Wall on Lingmell
Finish : GR 183074 By the registration tent

Course description : see The Fellrunner Magazine, Feb 2005

Note : Please see race website for further details
